
Friday, July 1, 2022

Great Bunko Reunion

My Bunko group met tonight. One of the members who moved last year came back for a visit tonight. 

I had a great night rolling three bunko's and winning the biggest prize. It has been a long time since I won the biggest prize. 

We then sat and visited with those that wanted to stay late. The hosts husband came and out and we all visited and caught up until 12:30 a.m. It was amazing to be in her beautiful back yard with lights and water features sitting on her comfortable deck furniture. 

I appreciate these women. More than half of the group is still original from when I started it over 26 years ago. It is so nice to catch up on what all their kids are doing. We have experienced so much of life together. 

I feel so grateful to have such a wonderful bunko group. Have a blessed day!

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