
Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Seeing Parasite Symptoms In Others

I am constantly seeing signs of parasites in friends, neighbors, and family. Also, they share that they have symptoms without knowing they are possibly from the parasite. 

I am still getting tons of comments on my website, YouTube channel, Facebook page, and my blog. It is so frustrating. I wish I had an answer for all these people as they are all suffering so much. 

I spend much of my time replying to people and trying to give them some kindness and hope. In reality, I feel like I am at a loss as I haven't found a cure or even much relief. 

In so many of my YouTube videos, I share things I have been able to fix or great ideas that I came up with that really work. I share health things that I have figured out when medical science didn't have an answer for something. 

With this parasite, I have spent so much time cataloging the information, describing symptoms, how they come, and just trying to get the information out to the world as I know there are so many others suffering who have no idea what is causing their health problems and discomfort. 

I went to Walmart this week and my receipt wouldn't print out at the self checkout, so I had to go to customer service to get a receipt for my purchase. I was waiting and waiting as they had to go into the "office" to print one up. I was standing waiting when I realized that the worker behind the counter had the same sores on her arms as I have. I then noticed that she had sores on her neck like I have as well. So many others have the rashes and sores on their neck hairline as well. 

She also had horrible teeth issues. I couldn't take a photo of her teeth without being clearly obvious, so I just stood back waiting for the woman in the office, and took some photos of her arms and wasn't close enough to get a good photo of her neck rash, but I know this woman and have known her for about 20 years. It breaks my heart to see how it is affecting her health as I used to teach her Sunday School when she was a teen. 

How can there not be a cure for this plague? I pray I can find something soon! 

Have a blessed day!

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