
Friday, June 17, 2022

Purple Face and Pokemon

I had to move my trailer today and God is so good as I learned some information from the lady who is allowing me to put it in her yard. She shared some information that I think will help one of my daughters with a situation she is dealing with. 

I was out in the sun for about an hour and my head was banging and my face was purple. I sat in the air-condition car, drank an ice cold drink, and ate some frozen pineapple. Ten minutes later, I am still purple. I couldn't cool down. I don't think the thyroid medication is working. 

I was so purple that the woman helping asked if I was on high blood pressure medication. I was so hot that I just sat in the car trying to get my head to stop pounding. 

While I was sitting in front of the house where I stored my trailer, I was near a church and I noticed that there were four Pokemon spinners and a gym on the same block. I dropped four lures and an incense which draws Pokemon towards you. I got lots of fun Pokemon and was able to get the last few goldfish Pokemon as I needed 400 in order to morph into a large powerful fish. 

I then had a call from my friend Matt and visited with him while I played toward the middle of our call and we had the longest phone call of his life! ha ha. It kept me up very late, and since he is 2 hours ahead of where I live, he was up really, really late! 

I hadn't eaten all day other than the small frozen pineapple, so I made a chicken pesto wrap, ate and then fell asleep in the chair. I need to get some sleep as napping in the chair isn't good sleep. 

Have a blessed day!

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