
Thursday, June 23, 2022

I Lost To the Birds - Cherry Tree Woes

I got so busy this week that I forgot about the cherries on my tree. I posted about them about a week ago, but I would remember that I needed to check on them when I was running errands, but when I would get home I would forget. 

Tonight, I remembered when I got home but it was after dark. I grabbed a flashlight and went out to the cherry tree which is in the back yard, and was so sad to see that the birds had eaten nearly all the cherries. 

I was sad about that loss as I usually like to share my fruit with the neighbors and there was mostly bird eaten pits left hanging on the tree. The worst part of the loss was that the tree has several different types of cherries on it. The sweetest bing cherries on the tree are the darkest red, so of course those were the cherries that the birds went for first. There were only a few of those on the tree that hadn't been eaten by the birds. They were so sweet and juicy. 

I picked what I could find and because I was in the dark, I ended up with lots of pits. I sorted them into two bowls. One with full good cherries, and one with bird damage on a small area. 

I was glad to have gotten any but most were the yellow cherries that aren't as sweet. I enjoyed the few red cherries I got.

I set an alarm for next year to remind me to check the cherries and put a bird net over the tree. It would be nice to be able to share the cherries with neighbor or even dehydrate some of them.

I am glad I could share with the birds, but I would like to have gotten at least an even share! ha ha. On to next year! 

Have a blessed day!

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