
Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Cousins Lunch with Lots of Belly Laughs

I had a cousin who lives on the East Coast come to visit this week. She is one of the 50 plus cousins I have from my fathers side of the family.
This cousin was one of my closest cousins while growing up. My father was a triplet, and so the cousins that are kids of the triplets were closer than the other cousins as they were closer in age and of course, the triplets would have a close bond and so we spent time on camping trips and birthday parties etc together. 

The triplets were two identical boys, and one girl. So it was like two sets of twins in a way as there was an identical set that shared a sack and a fraternal set. My closest cousin was the daughter of the identical twin to my dad. She and I were close because my dad and his twin were close. She was also the closest to my age. 

We took a photo years ago with three of us, and then at each cousins party, we end up having this same photo taken. 

The wife of my fathers twin asked if she could join in the luncheon for the girl cousins, and we were thrilled to have her. We laughed and laughed. We laughed so hard and were talking about fun memories from our childhood going to the lake, reunions, different personality traits of the family line. etc. 

My sister and I ran errands and drove together so it was fun to visit with her and get updates on all her kids as well! 

I feel so blessed to have such a fun family! Have a blessed day!

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