
Monday, May 16, 2022

Super Flower Blood Moon Total Eclipse May 15 - 16, 2022

I was so hot in the house tonight, that I had a fan in the door facing in on high and it was still 75 degrees in the house.

I decided to go to the cemetery to be by the water and catch a breeze while playing Pokemon. I headed over and was texting Princess Two who has been sick. She then texted the entire family to go out and look at the eclipse of the moon. I was facing the wrong direction to see the moon and had missed it. 

I got out and took a few photos with my phone but couldn't zoom in much and went home to take some photos with my better camera. I couldn't figure out the settings as I haven't used this camera much since I purchased it. I did get a few good ones in my street, but wanted to get some with the American flag and monument so I went back to the cemetery. 

There was a kind of creepy guy and a woman and some smaller children who looked like a creepy old story figure and I could tell he wasn't quite right and he pulled right behind me and turned his car off. He kept asking me questions about my camera and telling me that there were better views between the trees etc. 

I thought about leaving but the women kept correcting him on things and kept him in line. After ten minutes he finally moved and I was able to stabilize the camera on a cement bench and got a few good photos.

I tried to get a photo of my camera focusing on it with my cell as I couldn't get my regular camera to take the photos after focusing. 

I wish I new how to work with my camera better, but it was nice to be able to get a few good shots. I took some good shots during the last lunar eclipse. Here is a link to that post. It was just a year ago in eleven days from now. It was close to morning and was on the opposite side of the sky. 

When I drove home to get my camera, the family with 7 kids were all standing in the yard looking at the moon. They were making fun comments. 

I wanted to try getting a few more photos as it moved through the eclipse, but my battery died on my camera and then there was cloud cover and I couldn't get more. It was fun to see another total eclipse! 

I feel blessed to have the eyes to see heavenly signs! 

In one of the photos I was taking with my phone there was a meteor at the top of the photos and it showed up like a hair in the photo, but it was fun being able to see both at one time! 

Have a blessed day!

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