
Monday, May 2, 2022

Still Sick and a Great Video Chat

I can't believe how long this illness has been lingering. It started a few weeks back. I really think it is another bought or type of Covid. 

I had a horrible sore throat on one side, and it started to feel better. I had someone coming to visit for a week and wasn't sure if I should call and warn him that I wasn't feeling well, but since I started feeling better, I figured I was on the mend. 

My friend comes to visit after 30+ years of not seeing him, and we start a three state tour, and then my right side of my throat starts hurting. Then after a few days of that, my sinuses started pouring. 

Driving all day every day for a week and hiking in between the driving, didn't do much for my exhaustion and health. My throat burned while hiking and I have been home for days now and I spent most of the day in bed today feeling horrible. 

I found out from my friend who went home on Wednesday evening that he started coming down with the same symptoms a few days after getting home and has most of the symptoms now. 

I feel sorry that I shared the illness with him and worry he will give it to his girlfriend. I also found out that there are several neighbors who are having the same symptoms and are struggling as well. The mucus is so thick and gunky and I can't get rid of it! 

I had so much fun on our trip, but felt so horrible that it really was stressful driving so much. I think my body is in shock. I also think we got some food poisoning from some bad meet someone gave us, so I hope he can get over it quickly and pray I recover soon. It has been a rough few weeks. 

The highlight of my day was a video chat that started with one daughter and slowly, all my girls got on and it was the first time in a long time that we were all on the chat! I was in bed so was in the dark, but the girls were all lined up on my phone and it was so cute to see them all together on the screen. It was also nice to get to chat with the grandchildren as well! 

I hope you are all staying healthy! Have a blessed day!

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