
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Landscaping and Weeding - Busy With Yardwork

I was so happy when it was cooler in the evening tonight. It was cool enough that I could go and pull some weeds in the front yard. 

Last fall, I landscaped part of the side yard. I planted a bunch of roses that I got on clearance. I posted about it here. 

All but two of the clearance flowers are growing and sprouting leaves. The two that didn't were in an area where the sprinklers weren't working and didn't get enough water. I was so happy to see all those flowers starting to grow.

I couldn't believe how many weeds grew even in the landscaped spot. However, it was very nice to pull the weeds in that area as they came out very easily. 

It amazes me how much work a yard and home are. I keep thinking I will "finish" the yard so I can start working on projects I have in the house. The problem is that nothing ever seems to be finished in the yard. I keep working on things, but it just keeps going round and round. I think zero-scape isn't really a thing as even where we put rocks, the weeds come through and leaves and twigs get stuck in the rocks or bark / mulch. 

I wonder how people leave their homes for missions for a few years as there are so many things that need to be done. I now see why they rent the home or allow a family member to live in the house so that things get done. I can also see why people move to condo's and get rid of having to deal with a large yard. 

I appreciate my neighbors sons for doing my mowing and edging and my girls for their thoughtful mothers day gift of paying for the yard work. I feel blessed to have that help. 

I hope to get both front larger flower beds and the side flower beds done soon before it gets really hot out! I am waiting to prune the back yard until the lilacs finish blooming as they smell so heavenly when I am in the yard. 

Have a blessed day!

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