
Thursday, May 12, 2022

It's Been A Week - Sprained Ankle and Sore Ribs

I posted last week about falling while delivering some flowers to a friend. Here is a link to that post. 

Yesterday, I went to the chiropractor and he adjusted me and it felt so good. Today I have some really sore spots on my right ribs and my right ankle where I caught it on the stair. It feels really sprained today and I was limping. I decided to give it a rest for the afternoon. I am also still having some right ear / head tightness around the face bruising. My right shoulder is feeling a bit better, so I was happy about that. 

I went back to visit my friend as she has had some struggles currently, and when I was walking towards the porch, I realized that the steps on one side of the porch were lower than that other side. I remembered that they had dug a hole to fix a leak on that side and the hole had been filled with water. I guess that made the heavy cement stairs sink on that side. 

I fell on some uneven sidewalk about four years ago at our church and caught my knee and hand on the ground. They fixed the cement at the church after I fell. I thought it was interesting that when I told the church leader that I fell, he said, "I bet I can guess where it was?!" He told me exactly where I fell as the ground was very uneven. 

Looking back when I fell last week, I realized that I had parked in front of my friends neighbors home as I was on an important call and didn't want to be in front of her house while I finished the call. I approached her house from the left at the neighbors and so the stairs from that side would be lower than normal so of course when I was running up the stairs as I was late for another call, I clipped my foot on the top of the stair falling forward. 

I am hoping I can help her get that fixed as it could be more of an issue in the future. I know as I had a piece of sidewalk in front of my home that was raised up a bit from water flooding from a broken main. My neighbor fell and broke her hand by tripping up on that piece of sidewalk. During my daughters wedding reception, the same lady tripped again in front of me on that same sidewalk. Even though it was only up an inch or so from the piece next to it, I decided to fix it. 

Here is a post to where I rented a jack-hammer and broke up that piece of sidewalk and had a new one poured so no one else would fall and get hurt. It is hard when water causes cement to sink. There are so many things to take care of on houses. 

I am hoping that after taking it easy today I will feel better tomorrow. Have a blessed day!

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