
Monday, May 9, 2022

Happy Mother's Day To You and A Stranger

I had a weird experience this week. I was at a store and had an issue with a phone app in the store as the reception in that store is so horrible. There has been issues for years as the store has other stores in it and none of the apps can be used due to the lack of reception. You can't even use the stores own app in the store as it won't load! 

I am not sure why I went to the customer service on this particular day to suggest that they get a booster for the store to help with the signal. I went and mentioned to the workers that it is always so frustrating that I can't use their own app in store for many years now and have to ask for the discount or coupon as I can't get the app to load due to the bad signal in the store. I told them I would be willing to talk to management or corporate and let them know how frustrating it has been having this situation. 

They took my name and number saying they would pass the information to management. The female worker said she would get into my account and put the coupon in for my shop but she had a hard time getting it to go in so while I was standing there for a few minutes, I mentioned how beautiful the roses were they had for sale. She mentioned that she wanted the white ones as she wanted to put food coloring in them and see if they would change colors. 

I felt a little inspiration telling me to buy her the roses. In the course of the conversation as we were talking I told her I would like to buy her the roses. Of course, she want to accept them, but I told her I felt like I would like to get them for her for Mothers day, and she told me that Monday was her Birthday. I told her that was even more of a reason for me to get them for her. 

She gave me the tag off them to buy them for her but then I thought about it and the roses were in water and open already and figured out that they probably wouldn't take up water since they were already open. I then went looking for a bunch that were white but not opened yet. I was able to find them.

I had just washed a vase I had at home as a kind soul ordered me a flower arrangement and I ended up with 2 as there was a second accidental delivery as the florist in town is changing names and there was a mix up.  

I took the roses home, put a ribbon on the vase, put the flowers in the vase and filled it in with greens and wrote a card and felt to put some money in the card. 

I think the woman was dealing with heath issues as well as in our conversation I mentioned her "dew rag" and how she was rocking it. She said her hair was almost grown enough now to be able to go without it and you could see stubble / regrowth around the ear. 

I took the guy working there a candy treat as I didn't want him to feel like I didn't appreciate him but just felt like God wanted me to get the flowers for this woman. 

I dropped them off and she was very grateful. I didn't wait for her to open the card but asked if I could take a photos and I looked horrible from working in the trees and my face was bruised and puffy from my fall earlier in the week. 

I figured that God doesn't wait for you to look your best when he asks you to do something for others, so even though I had been working in the yard and ran to the store for a few items, I figured that I went when I did as God wanted someone to let her know she mattered or God cared. 

I had also been praying for a way to "pay it forward" as a kind person gave me some money recently and I got flowers recently as well, so I used some of the money I was given to buy the roses and put in the card! I have always found that if I pay tithes on anything I am given and pay some of it forward, I am blessed more! 

I am so blessed to have five amazing daughters that support me and always remember me on Mother's Day. Some other moms are not so blessed. When I was a single mom and my kids were young, I know that kids can't get things for Mother's Day with no funds etc, but they always did service, giving foot rubs etc. This woman mentioned a son and younger in age so I don't know if she had anyone to buy her a mothers day gift or not, but I felt blessed to be able to do something for her birthday and Mother's Day for her. 

I am grateful to my friends who gave me money when I was low on funds, and I am grateful that God allowed me to find someone to pay it forward to who may need it! I am blessed! 

I hope you had a great Mother's Day! Have a blessed day! 

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