
Friday, May 20, 2022

A Day Filled with 111 - One Probably Not an Accident

I woke today with a migraine and chased it all day. I climbed back into bed and didn't get up until 11ish. 

I opened my Pokemon game as I always send gifts the night before to my friends, and then open my gifts in the game when I get up or leave the house. 

I get a text from my friend in MA who started playing the game while he was visiting me a few weeks back. He wrote: "Did you deliberately open that gift at that time?" Now, I have to tell you that I have NEVER noticed that the game even told you the time a gift is sent or opened. I am clearly not that observant. I open the gift, send a gift and haven't even used any of the other buttons or know what they do. 

He sent me a photo of the time I opened his gift and I guess the person that sent the gift can look and see what prizes you got in the gift. I had no idea about that! I looked at his photo and chuckled to myself because when he was with me and we were driving through three states, I would point out all the times 111 would show up in my world. 

I think at first he thought I was just crazy making it up, but then he realized I couldn't make these things up as they weren't me just looking at the clock in the car, they were external things. 

I sent him back a text telling him I hadn't noticed, but if it was 1:11 his time, it was 11:11 my time when I sent it being on the west coast. I told him it shows up all day every day of my life! He said, "It may show up all day in your life, but not in mine!" 

I told him that he just needs to ask God how he can show Matt how HE loves Matt! I thought of the blog post I did many years ago about how I know God loves me. Here is a link to that post. I hope that Matt can find out how God shows him that he is loved by God! 

I had two different Pokemon show up today that had 111 in them. That isn't something you can make happen. They are random and you get what you get. I had bunko today, I pulled into my driveway and looked down to shut off my radio, and the Stones song playing was number 111 out of over a thousand songs in my car playlist, so just randomly, 111 played. I took a photo to share with Matt as I had taken photos of the other two Pokemon random 111's as well. He knows I couldn't fake getting the Pokemon of 111 HP as you can't make that happen.

I get into the house, do some laundry, take more medication for my migraine which was getting worse by the second. I put my shirts in the dryer to let them heat up and get wrinkle free and pull them out wet to hang to dry, so I leave them in for about 5 minutes. 

It was midnight, so I send out my Pokemon gifts, make a video for my YouTube channel, and I look at my Pokemon while I am waiting for my computer to start uploading, and I notice that Matt has 1111 water type Pokemon he has caught! Now that is something he could count and plan. I don't know if he did or didn't, because by this point it is near 2 a.m. my time. I am taking more and more pills trying not to throw up with my headache but am trying to be productive while I can't sleep due to the headache. 

I laughed out loud when I saw that number. I took a photo and sent it to him telling him he is hilarious! But, he didn't know about all those other 111's I have seen today! I didn't have time to send them and it was late when I arrived home after Bunko tonight, so was planning on sending them tomorrow. 

If he didn't plan it, it is still funny, but I have a feeling he did it to be funny as we talked about it today! 

God is so good to me! I had a rough day yesterday afternoon and this morning with the headaches and God just let me know He loves me, and is so good to do it on the days or times that I need it the most! 

Matt, I hope you can find the way that God shows you HE loves you! And, I wish all the same for you, my internet friends! Have a BLESSED Day!

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