
Friday, April 22, 2022

Help With Prescription Drugs - Worth A Try

I shared last week how I had a horrible migraine and in the update video post last week as well about how I tried a new migraine  medication and it didn't work. 

The first sublingual medication I tried was Nurtec. It worked in about 45 minutes, didn't make me throw up, and took the edge off. I did have break through but it was minimal. You can only take one every 24 hours, but after four or five hours, it would come back a bit, but I could take a Tylenol as it didn't get bad and at least I wasn't throwing up. 

My Dr. Gave me a prescription for Nurtec and another medication and I went to pick up the medication and the pharmacy told me that the Nurtec was really expensive and wasn't approved for my insurance plan. The Dr.'s office sent in to requests for the medication to get pre-approval, and both were denied as it isn't an approved medication as I think it is a new medication. 

I asked the Dr. office if I should try and get a hearing to try and tell them why that medication works and the other doesn't, but they said they haven't had much luck with that with the insurance I have. 

They shared that there is an assistance program through each pharmaceutical company. They said you just need to google the medication you need, and the words "patient assistance" to find the application to maybe get help getting the medication you need. 

I came home and searched online for "Nertec patient assistance" and was able to click right on the link within seconds. 

The process wasn't hard. Basically, they want to do a financial check on your social security number or look at your taxes to really see if you need help. They look to see if you are on any help programs. 

They ask for a denial letter if you do have insurance showing that you have tried to get the medication. They also ask for your medical card to see that your company won't pay for the medication. 

I printed out the application and made copies of the denial letter and my insurance card and then dropped off the filled out application to my Dr.'s office so they could fill in the prescription information and fax it to the company. 

I don't know that I will qualify for the assistance, but I figure it can't hurt to try. After my horrible day last week vomiting and dry heaving all day and not getting out of bed until nearly midnight, I am to the point I need to find some answer or way to not have those type of days anymore. It would be lovely to have something that would allow me to live a more "normal" life! 

Fingers crossed! Have a blessed day!

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