
Friday, March 18, 2022

St. Patrick's Day Pie Party

Our church has a woman's organization that has been around for 180 years this year. It is the largest women's organization in the world. It is called "Relief Society" and it was organized to provide relief for those in need. 

Every March, each church unit usually has a "birthday party" celebrating the organization. Today, we had our party, and celebrated the "pie" as well. 

I usually don't eat at these type of events as I am gluten free and don't expect them to provide anything for me as I am just one person and pie isn't something I care much about. I enjoy them, and used to make them often for holidays, but I usually just don't care enough about gluten sweets to worry about it anyway. 

My dear friend called me today and informed me that she was making me a gluten free berry pie for the event tonight. She looked up a gluten free pie and made it. I guess it was supposed to use jello to bind together the berries but she said it didn't "gel" and she worried it wouldn't be good. 

It was amazing! It was like a bowl of berries with a crispy cracker crushed over it as she said the crust fell apart. My friend that went to dinner with me before the event had some and she and I both went for seconds!  

They had a "Pie in the face" game but no one really wanted to play it, so they forced a few woman to play it. It was a nice evening and I feel blessed to have so many wonderful women in my life! 

Have a blessed day!

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