
Monday, March 7, 2022

It is Finished and She is Gonna LOVE It! Princess Quilt for A Princess

I stayed up all night the other night to get the Princess t-shirt quilt finished for Grand Princess One. 

I had been up all night the night before helping a friend and finishing up things I needed to get done before heading to Grand Princess's baptism and celebration.

It will be exciting to be able to see Grand Princess One's face when she sees the quilt! She LOVES princesses. I know it will be an immediate favorite because it has a silky bottom. She likes silky blankets and fabrics. I called her mom asking her opinion on which blanket to make for her as I also want to make her an afghan at some point and let her pick out the colors as well. When we talked, her mom thought the silky blanket would be the best option for her. 

I thought anything Princess is the best option as she LOVES dressing up like a princess. It will be a good moment and I am grateful I got it done. 

Have a blessed day!

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