
Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Helping My Neighbor is Paying Off

I have been trying to help my neighbor clean out her shed and fields since her husband passed away a few years ago. I helped her clean out and organize her basement awhile ago. Here is a link about that post.

Last year, I cleaned out her field a few different times and started listing her husbands yard tools for sale to help her get some money for them as they are rotting in the elements.

I was able to sell one mower, one tiller, gardening supplies and have had a tiller, mower, and lots of wood for the furniture he made still for sale. 

These items have been listed for sale for over a year and over and over I would show the cedar and aspen logs hoping to sell the entire lot of them. I had a few offers for $200 but some of those logs are $70 each so I was hoping to make more. Finally, this week, I organized someone to come and loaded them up while I was up attending the baptism of my grand-daughter. 

I was so excited to know that it was gone. She got $250 for it, but she would have been excited to just have someone clean it out for free. I told her to hold on as she could make some money for it. Since cleaning out her basement, I have made her quite a chunk of change posting things and she has given me half of what I make for her. That wasn't my intent as I have posted things for them for many years but she wanted me to make some money for all the help I have given them. 

She texted me telling me they came and picked up the wood and she wanted me to come get $125. I went to look at the shed and was so happy it is finally getting cleaned out! I need to make sure we get the lot sprayed now before the weeds take hold again as it got bad last year. I am so glad I can help her and it is nice that she is willing to share some of the proceeds with me. 

I think we can stick the rest of the items in with my next yard sale, and then it will be completely cleaned out! 

Have a blessed day!

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