
Thursday, March 10, 2022

Grand-Princess One Gets Baptized

We were all invited to attend Grand-Princess One's baptism this past weekend. She has been so excited to get baptized.

Princess three and her husband had plans with his family who always spend that weekend together so they were able to view it by video. There were also my nieces family and an aunt and uncle on her dad's side that were able to join by video. 

Everyone else was able to join us in person. It was nice that there were no other children getting baptized this month, so she was able to plan the entire program and have her pick of people to speak, and pick the songs she likes the best. 

I wish I had taken a video of her singing her solo as she did such a great job. She was so excited to have everyone there supporting her. 

Her dad did a great job baptizing her and confirming her as in our church they get baptized at 8 years old or older by someone who holds the priesthood and then get a blessing for the gift of the holy spirit. Both are mentioned in the bible, but we don't believe in our church on baptism of babies, we believe that they need to be at an age where they can choose for themselves to make that choice. 

We had people driving from other states and we had a long drive to be there, but we were all there and planned on staying for a few days but weather made everyone leave early which saddened the grandchildren, but we are so grateful that everyone was able to get home safely.

She got some wonderful gifts and one that had everyone in tears, was her fathers dad gave her a set of scriptures that belonged to her grandmother that passed away just over a year ago. Everyone was so touched at what a sweet and thoughtful gift that was and I know they are something she will cherish forever. 

I am sure Grand-Princess One will never forget her big day! It was wonderful!

Have a blessed day! 

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