
Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Fun Dinners and a Small Miracle

A few weeks back, I had the thought that I should take my nieces to dinner. I don't have children their ages, so I don't get to know them as well as some of my other nephews and nieces. 

I took their older sister to dinner a few years back and my youngest two girls took the twins out to dinner asking them on a "date" which was fun. 

I texted them each asking when would be a good time to go out. They worked out which day would work best for each and I was able to take one to dinner on Friday night, and one on Saturday night. We had a great
"date night" and dinner and I enjoyed getting to know them better. 

When I was picking up the second twin, I grabbed a picture with the first as I forgot to get one the night before when I took her to dinner to her favorite place. 

When I was dropping off the second after dinner, she told me her older sister had come home for the weekend. I texted asking if she wanted to go for ice cream. She told me she was out with her sister, but wasn't feeling all that well and maybe we could do it next weekend. 

I told her that was great and decided to go to Walmart and pick up some groceries. While doing my shopping, I ran into them! It was nice to visit with them. One of them commented on how often I run into them when shopping! I told them it was probably my mom directing traffic from heaven! 

We visited and then I went back to shopping and headed home. When I arrived home, I realized that my favorite silver necklace was not around my neck. I called my sister and asked if her daughter could see if I lost it at their house or near where I parked, but then I remembered playing with it at Walmart while talking to my nieces. 

I rushed back to Walmart and asked if anyone had found a necklace, and one of the workers asked me to describe it. I did, and he said he found it on the ground in the main isle. It must have come off while I was fiddling with it talking to my nieces as I had my purse over my head in a sling style, and I think the purse strap may have caused the clasp to open and cause the necklace to fall. 

I was so grateful for them turning it in and for going back when I first noticed it or others may have not known about him finding it or taken it. 

Here is a link to the post where I found and bought the necklace. I wear it all the time and you can see it in my photos with the girls. I am so grateful that I was able to find it! I am blessed!

Have a blessed day!

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