
Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Wasting Your Money and Mine - Dr. Frustrations

I tried getting into a new Dr. in a large city upon a referral from a woman I met locally who said this Dr. was able to diagnose her and her husband with weird medical issues. 

I called the office and he isn't taking new patients. They said that I could fax the Dr. my information and see if he would make an exception and take me on as a new patient. 

I wrote last week about visiting with a new Dr. who is really young and I didn't feel very happy with my visit to him. I contacted the Dr.'s office who ordered my labs recently and they wouldn't release / print off the labs for me so I could fax them to the new Dr. because the nurse or Dr. hadn't looked at the results. The tests were run a week ago and no one has even looked at them. 

I can't get a copy because no one has reviewed them from the office. The woman that I called about printing them up hung up on me trying to transfer the call and then didn't call back for over 10 minutes so I think she was asking someone what she should do as I can't print them until they are released by the Dr. office. 

I then went to the pharmacy to pick up the "migraine prescription" he ordered for me. I spoke to the pharmacist and asked him if he had seen this prescription being used for migraines in the past and he said,"no, this is just a nausea medication." I asked if it had ever been used in his experience for migraine or has helped with pain from migraines and he said, "No, it is just for nausea."So I asked him if I am nauseated and ready to throw up because I am taking some pseudaphed and acetaminophen and in pain from a migraine would this prescription help in his opinion and he said, "It will only help nausea." However, looking at the side effects of the nausea medication, one of the side effects it can cause is HEADACHES and NAUSEA! Not thrilled with this information.

So, not only did he not order tests I think would be valuable that can show definitive difference in my lungs from 7 years ago to now, but the ONE thing he could have maybe helped me with for sure was something for my migraines! Instead, he wasted my money and tax payers money on a prescription for nausea which even if it did help me NOT to throw up, doesn't do a think for the pain causing me to not be able to function for days of my life! 

Then, he orders some tests and no one has or probably would have looked at them at all except I am trying to get those tests for another Dr. and they are only looking at the tests because I called! I keep getting texts saying "Please take this survey on your visit." with a link to a questionnaire on how I thought the Dr. did and was I happy with my visit. 

I live in a small town and don't want to offend anyone as the word gets around and when you need something, people don't want to help if you have offended them in the past. You never know when you may need them. 

I am going to try to get the documents and fax the Dr. that was suggested to me and pray I can get some help for all the health things I am dealing with. I just don't know what the situation will be with the current Dr. and me getting the labs for the new Dr. 

It will be interesting to see what he will do now. The problem is that I shouldn't have to be chasing down the Dr. to get labs or treatments or new tests. It is really getting hard to find a good Dr. anymore. 

Have a blessed day!

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