
Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Finally Getting to The Dr. After Years of No Insurance

I finally acquired some medical insurance and scheduled an appointment to meet with a Dr. When I started having Covoid symptoms, I had to cancel my appointment and reschedule. 

I thought about rescheduling again after my horrible weekend, but I figured the symptoms ended yesterday and I woke feeling much better today. 

My Dr. retired, so I scheduled an appointment with a Dr who I mentioned by name when scheduling. I get to the office and the Dr. who I thought I was meeting with, his last name is this Dr.'s first name and I think they didn't make it clear as the man I met with today is my oldest daughters age. 

I left the office not feeling very happy as he seemed a bit placating to me and downplayed my concerns about my yellow eyes / liver issues, lung issues / difficulty breathing, and my headaches. He said he would run some tests, but refused to run some I thought were necessary. I also mentioned maybe just trying medical marijuana for my migraines as they have not gotten better no matter what I have tried. 

He said "I won't prescribe medical marijuana" and I felt like he was judging me as if my whole purposed was to get drugs or something. ha ha If he only knew how much I hate taking anything. My kids get on me all the time because I wait until last minute to take pills hoping my pains will just go away on their own. He said he would prescribe me an anti-nausea medication so when I am in pain and throwing up the pills I do take, this sublingual nausea med would help me not throw up. 

I told him I am willing to give it a try but I don't want to do any pills that would make me not able to function or are addictive as pills in general, I just end up throwing them up. 

So, I didn't get a pulmonary function test which I really wanted to see how much my lungs have changed since my last test five years ago. He ordered a chest x-ray which I didn't think would show much due to the peroxide and iodine I nebulized melt down the calcification's. It didn't show anything. What is frustrating is that doesn't show if I am able to utilize / exchange oxygen.

He then ran labs for my thyroid but didn't run my TPO on my thyroid which has always been the worst of my thyroid levels and I told him that, but that wasn't something he ordered. Of course, I don't see that until I am out of the room and am in the lab as I didn't get any paperwork at all as everything is now online. 

I was able to check some of my labs online and there are abnormal values which I expected, but it will be interesting to see if he contacts me about them. He just said he couldn't address all the things I brought up but we could schedule more appointments. 

I really think that the office group should address the issue of the Dr's with the similar name as I mentioned the Dr. I wanted by first and last name when I was making my appointment, and even when I checked in, they said are you meeting with Dr. ?? Today? and I said yes, but when I get into the room with him, it was Dr. First NAME?? 

I think because he is young and the other Dr. is more experienced, it is there way of getting him patients. 

I hope I can get him to refer me to specialists so I can feel like I am being heard and get some help with these issues I have been dealing with for so long. 

It was a first step anyway. Have a blessed day! 

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