
Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Princess T-Shirt Quilt out of Disney Shirts Is All Cut

I have made lots of T shirt Quilts over the years and am currently working on a Disney Princess blanket for my oldest grand-daughter. 

She will be turning 8 soon and in our church, kids get baptized at age 8, so I wanted to do something special for her. I took a bunch of Disney T-Shirts and am cutting them down and making a quilt out of them. 

Having five daughters, some of the shirts were ones they wore, and the rest I collected from thrift stores. The most I paid for any of the shirts was $5, but most of the shirts were only $1 or $2. 

I spend time moving the shirts around to get them in an order I like with no two squares touching having the same color. I also try to put similar sizes near each other. 

I have many other videos showing how I do this, so here is a link to the channel playlist for my t-shirt quilts.  

I am excited to see it taking shape. I have finally finished cutting all the squares and it is time to start sewing!

Have a blessed day~

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