
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The End Of An Era - Food Bank Changes - Director Retiring

I shared a few weeks back that the director of the food bank is retiring. She was not ready to go, but some situations happened in life and at the food bank. She chose to change careers after 20 years. She is going to help her daughter full time in her business. 

She and I have been at the food bank for about the same amount of time. We both were instrumental in getting the new building and became fast friends working together over all the years. 

A few weeks before that, another long time employee who started as a volunteer years back and then was hired on was also retired. He worked for such small pay and spent many hours overtime working so hard. During Covid, he actually slept at the food bank to keep it secure. He worked there 24 hours a day making emergency totes for anyone in need! He is such a sweet soul and always asks about my daughters when I see him. 

Today we had a going away lunch for the director, and I ordered a few plaques for them and picked them up on my way to the lunch. I laughed when I went to order them, the trophy store had a trophy that the food bank ordered in 2018 and never picked up. It was to give to the local church that gathered the most donations for the annual food drive. 

My church donated the most to the drive that year and the next two years. So it should have been in my church building for three years. 

This year, due to Covid resurgence and most of the workers at the food bank getting it and closing down for a few weeks, they didn't have the regular food drive. My church lost by a few pounds as it wasn't announced and so I had new labels made for 2019 until this year for the different churches and had them put on the trophy so it could go to the church that won this year. 

When it was over, the retiring director and I took some food, a gift card, the plaque and some treats to the man who retired recently as he wasn't able to come to the luncheon. 

He was so grateful of the food and gifts, and once again, he asked about my girls. We each got good hugs and as I dropped the director off for the last day / time at the food bank, I felt really sad that things will never be the same as I am now the longest person around. Then next is about five years, and after that, 3 years, and the next about 6 months. I am not sure how things will end up, but it will be interesting to see how it goes. 

I don't know how much longer I will be involved, but it has blessed my life more than I can share. I am truly grateful for it! 

Have a blessed day!

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