
Monday, November 15, 2021

Had a Great Visit With Princess One's Family


I am tired and hope that I can sleep well. I have had a great weekend with Princess One's family and got to spend lots of time with the grandchildren! 

I love watching them grow. All three are great readers and the youngest at three is starting to read. He knows all the letters and sounds by sight, and now is putting it all together. His older brother is five and read me a Dr. Seuss book this morning only struggling on a few word sounds. 

My grand-daughter is 7 and reads all the time. She finished two books while I was here. I love that they are so well read and their father still reads to them every night if he is home. He has read them many of the classics. 

Their mom is doing a great job showing them classic books made into movies. Last week they watched "Little Lord Fauntleroy" the 1940's version. They watched the original "Annie" and "Little Rascals" while I was here giving them pedicures. I was surprised how many references to things they picked up on that I didn't think they would understand. 

I took several totes of activities and we made gingerbread cookies that they could eat with their struggles with allergies, I was grateful their mom and dad were able to find ingredients to be able to make them. The kids devoured them and I wish I had doubled the batch. 

I was sad to leave as always, but relish the time I get to spend with them when I can! 

Have a blessed day!

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