
Friday, November 26, 2021

Bit of a Stress Missing Posting

My schedule got messed up over Thanksgiving with my girls being here and working hard in the yard. 

When the girls left, I had a full day, and worked into the night. Knowing I had nothing going on for Thanksgiving day, and not being able to do errands with things being closed, I just figured  I would try and catch up on my sleep. 

However, as usually happens, when you sleep during the day, you end up being up all night and it translated into the next day. I had a rough day getting things done just dragging. 

It is the first time I made a choice not to blog. I had a few challenges this week that came up with the girls sharing feelings about my blog and it threw me off a bit. It seems that over the past few years, some of the girls resent me taking pictures when they are around to use on my blog.  

I just figured it was an easy blog as they are home and I am busy spending time with them, so taking a few photos makes it easy for me to post something. 

With them sharing their feelings, I just lost some heart in wanting to post and in not feeling like I can pull my camera out anymore when they are around. It was hard because they have always wanted me to take photos of them. When they would come home from cheer and drill team, the first thing they would do is look at the photos and video, so I was taken back that several were really angry at me taking pictures recently. 

I know that they are all going through their own things, so I want to respect where they are currently, but it took out my drive to post for a few days. I felt like I needed to hide taking pictures from them while they were here. It takes the fun out of taking photos. 

I visited with them about it, but I can see that some are still struggling with some situations, so I will try and respect their wishes. 

When I went to the store today, I was so happy to find a few coins and when I was checking out, I noticed that the taxes for my purchase was $1.11. It was perfect timing as I was tired and had low energy. 

When I arrived home and was getting my daily totals off my YouTube and blog to put in my journal as I always put my daily totals in my journal, I noticed that my subscribers over the last month were 111. 

I really felt like God was letting me know to Trust in Him and continue on the path HE has set for me no matter what others thoughts are on the matter. So, I decided to do this make up post and get myself back on track. I haven't let anything throw me off blogging now for over 11 years. Sorry for the late post, but I am glad I was able to talk with my girls and work through those feelings with them, and then my own. 

Have a blessed day!

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