
Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Another Succesful Halloween - Jewelry - Toys - Stickers - Tattoos and Candy

Since I sold off all my jewelry a few months back, I only had a small bag of jewelry to give away, so I had to find a few more things to give out. 

My grandchildren can't have most candy due to corn, dye, and chocolate allergies, so I figured there must be other kids out there that have similar issues, so I want to make sure they have something fun to choose for Halloween. 

I set up the pirate and stuck out the treasure chest and dumped the bag of jewelry I have collected recently on the sheet as I have for years, and then put out some plastic toys, metal rings, candy fangs in two types, NFL football stickers, tattoos, and some other candy. 

It was fun to have people coming and my neighbors children' are now older and didn't come together, so I had a few here and a few there. 

My Niece's kids came over and I got a few hugs from them which made my night! I had a mother come up after her son came in and got something and told me that many years ago he got a large gold men's watch and wore it for years before it broke. She thanked me for making it fun and exciting for the kids. 

Another family came and told me that every year the kids beg to come to my house and that when they were at family functions, their niece was saying that there were people that gave out full sized candy for Halloween, and their daughter bragged that a lady in their town gave away really nice jewelry! 

I had one person say they were really sad that last year they came and I didn't have jewelry and thought maybe I wasn't doing it anymore. They were really happy this year to see that I had the tradition back. I thought it was sweet that so many people shared their gratitude and kind words with me. 

I had a costume that I was going to wear but ended up working in the yard instead, but people were really kind that my house wasn't all decked out, or that I was in work clothes, and I heard so many kids running down my stairs to the sidewalk excited to share what they picked with their parents. It was really cute. Most of my trick-or-treater's picked jewelry again as it has always been. 

Everyone said they didn't have as many kids this year and I think the fact that Halloween was on a Sunday make people drag the celebrations out for a few days. I didn't have as many either but it was good as I was working in the yard. 

Have a blessed day!

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