
Friday, November 19, 2021

Another Day of Service Making Baskets and Delivering

When I dropped off the rest of the made "Thank You" baskets to the food bank yesterday, they asked me if I could make a few more baskets. 

I went to the food bank today and picked up more treats. Someone there got some bad news about a member of their family, and I called a good friend today, and her family has been going through LOTS of trials recently. I posted about her husband getting his nose cut off recently. It is linked HERE.

I bought 9 more baskets between a few stores and spent time filling them up and putting ribbons on, and then I delivered two of the baskets to these to families going through difficulties currently. 

My heart goes out to those suffering with family health issues and their own health issues. Making a taking baskets to them isn't much, but at least they know that someone is thinking about them and adding some sweetness to their world. I also took a treat to the family of a woman who I visited for years who passed away recently They had her funeral while I was out of town, but I wanted to let them know I was thinking of them. 

I will take the rest of the baskets with the "Thank You" notes I wrote over to the food bank tomorrow so I can enjoy time with my family knowing that is done.  

Have a blessed day!  

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