
Monday, October 11, 2021

My Last Parents Day For College Students

I had a super long day. I had such a bad migraine all day on Friday, that I was either throwing up or in bed. I then was in bed all night and slept most of the day on Saturday. 

I woke after 3 p.m. on Saturday and then was so awake that I couldn't sleep Saturday night. I had my last Parents Day for Princess Five. She knew I hadn't been doing well with the migraine and said I didn't need to attend as it requires hours of driving. 

I left at 5 a.m. and arrived home this evening after having lunch with princess Five. I was able to meet some of her friends and their families. But, she had meetings in the afternoon so it was a very short visit. 

I took up a DVD player and all of her movies as the roommate that had those things moved out. I also was able to take her a few apples off our tree and some bags of dried apples. She was excited about our apples as everyone loves our apples. 

I forgot my phone at home so was grateful I made the drive without incident as I wouldn't have been able to call for help. I didn't get a photo with her this time or last time I went to visit her. It is amazing how lost you feel without a phone. I laughed thinking on my way up how we used to have to use payphones and now you cant even find one. 

It was a happy, yet sad, day knowing it will be my last "parents day" ever. Have a blessed day!

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