
Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Fresh Carrot - Apple - and Ginger Kombucha

 I have been making Kombucha over the past year and I have tried many different flavors. 

I had some homemade green grape juice and really liked the flavor of the kombucha making it with that juice. 

I made some with apple cider and other times tried cranberry juice, but it became it super acidic and so I have learned to avoid using acidic juices or fruits. 

I tried putting bits of different fruit in the kombucha but the bigger pieces made it more fermented really quickly, so I didn't use fruit again. 

However, recently the food bank had large bags of carrots and apples to distribute, so I thought I would try making kombucha using carrots and apples using the juicer as thinking the juice may be less fermented using juice. 

The trick is to let the kombucha ferment to the right stage. A few weeks back I didn't have any juice in the house so I thought it would be good to try using some fresh fruit. I had a bunch of apples and carrots still, so I pulled out the juicer and made carrot and apple juice using the excess I had from the food bank. 

I also had some fresh ginger root so I put that in half of the jars to see if I liked the added ginger. 

I really liked the carrot and apple juice kombucha, but I added more ginger than needed as it is a strong flavor. I enjoyed it enough that I made this next back using the carrots and apples and being in a small town couldn't get any fresh ginger root, so I used powdered ginger and only used a small amount so I could get the flavor but not overwhelm the taste. 

I actually enjoy the flavor as there is the sweetness from the apple and carrots, but the carrot flavor isn't really strong. I have enjoyed the new flavor and thought I would blog it in case anyone else searched the internet for information on new flavor options. 

Have a blessed day!


  1. Hello! I was searching for carrot/ginger juice or smoothies and I am also exploring Kombucha and health benefits.I am trying to clean up my diet as I am going through yucky menopause! LOL I have put on weight that I want to lose. Could I get the ingredient ratio/amount from you so that I can try my hand at it? I believe that I heard that ginger is beneficial to menopausal women. So you know anything about this? Thank you and have a beautiful weekend!

    1. Hi and welcome! I have a youtube channel where I share tips on Kombucha making. It is SO easy. After starting to drink it regularly my bowels got so much better.
      I also have a recipe on my blog and youtube channel called "Lemon Ginger Blast" which I drink daily. I make a batch and freeze it into one cup containers and pull one out and drink it daily. It has also helped me detox.
      My youtube channel is thesecretisgratitude. is the lemon ginger link.
      is the kombucha link

      Ginger can give women a libido but can also detoxify.

      Moringa plant has really helped me through menopause as well as a really good multivitamin with iodine in it.

      On the kombucha, I just juice a few carrots and apples and throw about 3/4 inch ginger root into the juicer as well. I fill each jar with 1/8 its size with the juiced items and then the rest with the fermented Kombucha. Basically I have learned to just put any kind of juice in it. Small pieces of fruit ferment really fast so I don't like that.
      This is the first time I have used fresh juice, but it does ferment much faster and creates much more gas which can be explosive when you open them if you leave them out of the fridge very long.

      Just give it a try, it is really hard to mess up.

      Have a blessed day!
