
Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Still Super Tired, But The Yard Is Clean

I went around town and took all the yard sale posters down. One of the stores had a posters on their community boards. I went to visit my friend that makes sushi while I was there . He gave me two containers of sushi for free. 

I then came home and as I pulled up a man pulled up asking to buy some things left from the yard sale. I was able to get $160 more dollars from him for 3 items he wanted. I then came in and ate my sushi but I also wanted to share that an older woman I don't know showed up at my home with a bag of frozen raspberries telling me she could see I was hot and tired and needed a cool treat. 

I think she probably overheard me earlier telling someone how I missed my friend that used to come over and bring me cool drinks when I was doing my yard sale. She would also come over every few hours and give me a potty break. 

I was so sad as she passed away a few weeks ago. I came in to use the bathroom and wished that she was still around. She was such a good friend to me. As I went back out to the sale, the woman came up to me with the frozen berries and told me she would watch things if I wanted to use the bathroom. 

She noticed I had a box of sheet music and she called her daughter about it thinking she might like them. When the daughter showed up, I knew her. I thought it was amazing that a complete stranger would bring me a quart size bag of raspberries she picked out of her yard that were frozen. 

If you look at the blog posts containing sushi on my blog, you will see that when I get sushi, I usually get raspberries. 

I know God had a hand in sending me my very favorite meal after my long and stressful week with the yard sale and many late nights. I also believe that my friend who passed away recently had something to do with it as well. 

I felt very blessed! Not only were my financial needs met, but my physical needs were also met. Not only met, but with my favorite foods! I also found coins on my way out of the store. I also got a gift in the mail this week, but I will share about that later.

I hope you have a blessed day!

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