
Thursday, September 30, 2021

Made $2500 at my Yard Sale Last Week - Feeling Blessed

Last week I had a yard sale. I have had a yard sale around this same time of the year for at least three years now. I used to have them all the time, but now I just pick this same week each year as there are people coming into our town for activities. 

I made $1,300 two years ago. I made $2,200 last year, and this year, I made $2,221 and then the day after, I had a man show up to buy some Hot Wheels stuff I had for sale and picked up two items I had on the table that I put out towards the end of the yard sale for $155.
I sold a lawn mower after the sale and another person contacted me buying some Disney videos and a pitcher for $26. 

So, in the end, I made over $2,500! It is amazing to me that I keep pulling things out of the garage that I had from 20 years ago to sell on eBay, and I still have 30 or more boxes of items to sell on eBay. Of course, I sell things the girls give me, or items I purchase and then decide to not keep, and if I find something I know is of value at thrift stores, I will get it and then sell it for less than it would sell for online to people at the sale, and then they can sell it online and I make money and they make money. 

I am still trying to recover from the sale as I was up all night putting it out on Friday, and it rained on Saturday. I had to dry it all out on Sunday and put it all out again on Monday. I sold from 10 a.m. to dark each day and my goal was to make $200 each day. I made that and made more and more each day. Saturday I made the most which was wonderful! 

I am so happy as I wanted to make enough to pay my house taxes. I did make enough to pay my house taxes and a little more to put towards my house insurance! 

Of course, it was a LOT of work, but it was nice that it worked out in the end. I feel VERY BLESSED! 

Have a blessed day!

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