
Monday, September 6, 2021

Happy Birthday Mom - Thanks For the Free Meals

It was my mothers birthday recently. I talked to my sister that lives nearby and asked if she would like to go to the temple for our area for our church on our mothers birthday to honor her. She passed away years ago, but I thought it may be a nice way to pay tribute. 
Since COVID, our temples had been closed, and recently opened up so we could start going again. We schedule the day with three of the other women we used to attend with weekly before COVID happened. 

We attended the temple, and then went to a place for lunch. When we got to the front to order our meals, the man behind the counter said that the man in front of us paid for all our meals. 

I went to the man and his two sons to thank him for doing that and he said, "Someone must love you to give me that feeling to do that for you!"

I knew exactly who loved me on the other side that gave him that thought! I was able to get a gluten free dessert at that place as well which isn't a common thing in small towns, so I enjoyed that. We stopped at a place to get something and when we went in, the cashier had my mothers last name! 

My mother went by her maiden name for many years of her life as she was somewhat famous, so to see a woman in this small town with her name, my sister and I knew my mother was letting us know she was around and aware of us. This woman that was cashiering was from the mid-west. That last name is not a common name in our area. We took a photo of our group at lunch, and then one with the cashier with my mothers name.

I came home and ran an errand and saw a rainbow. If you read my blog, you will know my mother sang us "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" each night and when I see a rainbow I am reminded of her. My sister got home and he grand-daughter was wearing a rainbow shirt pointing towards heaven so my sister sent me a picture. I then got to go to Bunko and had another wonderful free meal, and I ended up winning a prize with a popcorn treat that I could enjoy.  

I feel like my mother was with me the entire day letting me know she is around. There was another event I don't feel comfortable sharing, but it let me know my mother is still aware and looking after me. 

Have a blessed day!

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