
Wednesday, August 25, 2021

One More Day to Recover - Wild Fire Smoke

Once again, I slept most of the day, and keep falling asleep in the chair as I try to blog. I dragged myself out of bed, forced myself to run errands, did a few loads of laundry, and finally brought in a few loads of items from the car from the two state trip I did in 24 hours the other day. 

In the past just over a month, I have done / gone to three wedding showers, one bachelorette party, put on a wedding reception, attended the wedding and luncheon, hosted / put on a family reunion for over 100 planning from scheduling the venue a year ago, organized all the meals, took food for four of the meals for 100, and the food for my family for the other meals, planned or helped plan all the extra activities, hauled a suburban full of games and prizes for the activities, did the huge "This or that" game, got the trailer ready, hauled, and brought home, cleaned out and put away both the trailer and the suburban, packed and moved one of two of the five girls who moved out of state this past week to different states, supported Princess Five being put in as the Relief Society President in her area (I explain what this is in other posts you can search by going to the search box at the bottom of the home page on the web version and typing it in the search box.) 
I completely detailed two cars for different girls. I fixed anything wrong with the cars I could on my own, ordered parts online and / or junk yards, or local parts stores to get them up to par, and took them in for mechanical issues, new tires, alignments, found out that one daughter had been driving a car where the rear brakes had rusted completely and she had been driving with no rear brakes for over a year. I kept waking from sleep with dreams of a car accident and hadn't slept well for many nights feeling sick or having these dreams of needing to get my girls cars switched around due to feeling one would be in an accident. One moved to a state that gets lots of snow, so I felt like she needed a better car for snow. Once I found that her car brakes hadn't been working, I realized why God sent me those dreams and the knowledge she needed a better car for her move. I am so grateful for inspiration and a mothers intuition, but the sleepless nights, stress of getting the cars cleaned and hours of time doing that during all the other crazy going on this month left me VERY drained and dehydrated as it has been near 100 degrees most days while working on / in the cars!

I also had watery diarrhea for two full weeks which started from food poisoning I believe, and I finally figured out what was causing it to go on for a few weeks in the past few days. I am dehydrated, exhausted, emotional with the wedding, and now moving of several girls. Sad, and happy, that I was finally able to see all my girls together for the first time in nearly three years, only to have it be so crazy with me having to do so much that I didn't get to spend any time with them due to doing / hosting the wedding reception and the family reunion. I didn't spent 20 minutes with my family at any given time in the past month together which saddens me as now I have moved two out of state, I don't know when we will get together again! 

I am still exhausted and not breathing well due to wild fire smoke which hasn't helped me being so tired as not getting enough air will do that as well as asthma / allergy type symptoms every time I go outside and do anything. It was terrible to breathe at the reunion as everyone was suffering from allergies and then moving Princess Four and hauling everything up and down stairs to move, made it difficult as well. 

I was able to get a bit more done today, but once gain am dragging and exhausted and keep falling asleep trying to write this post. It is now 6 a.m. as I just keep falling asleep trying to get this written. 

I hope I feel better tomorrow. I will be glad to see this month over even though all the things are good things, it has drained me completely! 

Have a blessed day!

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