
Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Making a Case for the Cake Topper

Princess Three got a custom made cake topper from my friend Julie. I posted about it here.

We needed to find some container to put it in as my friend said, "No matter how old the person is that is looking at it, they reach out and touch it! They will want to move the hair and it doesn't move so they break it off!" 

I thought I could put a little note on the display saying, "Please Don't Touch" but the children can't read it and she said many times children are the ones breaking the hair off. 

I went to Hobby Lobby and about five other stores looking for some glass sided display we could use, but also, one she could keep and like so she can keep the dust off and something stylish she would like as decor. 

I found this square almost "Sea ship" looking container, but it didn't have a top on it. The sides were glass, and I flipped it upside down, but that put wood on the top and then people couldn't see it through the top if they were tall.

I found several others I thought she may like in her home, but they were either not deep enough, or were really tall. 

We video chatted her from the store and brainstormed about what we could do. I realized they had a framing shop and we could get a top cut for it, but wasn't sure how to hold it up. My sister figured out that we could flip up one of the two clasps holding the side glass in and it would hold the top glass up. So, we had the store frame shop cut us a piece of glass. I then asked if they had any mirror we could put in the back as I noticed that the only one they had in gold had a crack in one side. They said they don't cut mirror there. 

On the way out, I asked about getting a discount due to the crack and it being the only gold one they had, and it was 50% off anyway, so we got the thing for about $16. The next day after hunting down three shops, we were able to get a mirror cut, the broken piece taken out, and they ground the top piece we had cut so no one would get cut, for about $7. So, in all it was less than $25 for the $40 original priced holder.

The mirror shows the back of the dress from the front so you can see the entire topper from the front. 

We put a bow on the handle and displayed the thing on a cool piece of wood I found at a second hand store.

People were taking pictures and asking for the name of the creator all night. It was a hit for sure! My friend Julie is VERY gifted and talented! I will be helping her create a new website for her toppers and other creations soon!

I feel very blessed to know her!

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