
Thursday, August 12, 2021

Making 300 Wedding Treat Bags with LOTS of Help From Angels, Family, and Friends

Princess Number 3 (My Third Daughter) just got married. We thought of several "thank you" gifts that we could give at the wedding, and we finally decided on a "Cracker Jack" popcorn recipe that you shake in a paper bag and cook in the microwave. 

We thought we could put a cute little "Thanks for popping into our lives" or something similar on the cello bags of popcorn tied with a cute bow. I thought I could make all the bags by myself in a day, but after making three batches, bagging them, and tying them off, it took me three hours to make 30 bags. 

I ran into my nieces at the grocery store. There were probably 500 cars at Walmart and my nieces parked in the spot next to my car. They didn't know it was my car, but they had rainbow hand-prints all over her car and I recognized it when I came out. On my blog, I have shared many times how my mother used to sing us "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" each night before bed. 

Since her passing, during stressful times, I usually see rainbows and it makes me feel like she is watching after me. Seeing those rainbows, and rainbow hand-prints on my nieces car and the fact that she parked right next to me in a huge parking lot, I felt like my mother was sending me help from above as I wouldn't have thought about calling to ask them for help, so I am grateful for those rainbows to draw my attention. 

When I saw my nieces, I had the thought to ask them to help bag the popcorn as that was what took so much time. I had already asked my friend if she could help me. She called and told another friend I could use some help. So, around 7 p.m. my four angles showed up and my nieces stayed for 2 1/2 hours and my friends stayed for over 4 hours. We whipped out about 300 bags of treats! It was so amazing to see everyone pull together to help with this project. I thought it was going to be taking me all week after my trial run, but getting them finished so quickly gave me more time to get to other things done! It was a wonderful day with wonderful people! I am blessed with great friends. 

At the reception, I was walking in a little late as we had some issues with rain, and I were slipping in the exit. As my sister and I were walking in, a lady and her husband were leaving and she was telling him, "This popcorn is a yummy bag of deliciousness!"  Her comment made me feel happy that we found a treat that would make Princess Three's reception memorable for her and others!

During the reception, I look over and see a couple taking photographs of the display, sign, and treats which also made me feel good.

As we were cleaning up, the couple who rent out the venue told me that they had the display basket for a long time and had never found a use for it but once she saw what we used it for, they now knew how to use it! The venue was $1200 for the day and that included tables and lamps around the edges. The rest we provided. They had other things to rent for extra, and they were taking pictures of many of our displays and watched us carefully as we cleaned up all the decor. I have a feeling they will be buying and renting more decor after seeing what we did. 

We had some left over and I am glad for that as we can use them at the reunion. We did give out more than I thought we would as there was a steady flow of visitors for the 2 hours of the reception! 

I feel truly Blessed.


  1. Well thank god for your blog. I literally thought I was out of my mind. The same thing on your q-tip I have I have waist length hair and these thing come out of my body and not 1 person has believed me so I got tired of talking to people. I have been dealing with these things in my eyes nose mouth, these little eggs or something come out of my tounge. They ar through out my body. My hair on my head is alive and they always go to my nose and mouth, my lips ,I got a bunch out of my lips. I wonder why my lips have been horribly chapped, it was them. I am beside myself, have so many questions.

    1. I am so glad you found it I have my website called: where i post everything on one site. I hope that people can share it with their Dr.'s and give them some insight as to what we are dealing with. I am so sorry you are dealing with this and wish I had found a cure. I pray science will catch up soon so we can all start feeling better. Have a blessed day!
