
Tuesday, August 3, 2021

I Did A Thing - Hope It Works - Daith Piercing

I have suffered from Sinus Migraines since almost the day I got married 35 years ago. I was in a boating accident with my new in-laws and broke my nose when we hit a stone bridge pylon.

I had surgery on my nose soon after that, and from that time, I can't adjust to pressure changes that happen quickly. If I go up a mountain, or down to sea level quickly, I throw up after getting more and more pain in my head. 

I have had to drink Coke, take a Sudafed, and a Tylenol when I know I am going to be changing pressures quickly. I have learned where I need to take it when driving from city to city and my life revolves around drinking Coke and hitting the bathrooms on the way after drinking so much on my travels. 

If there is a high pressure fast moving storm, I will end up having a headache. Since we have had rain every day for two weeks, I have hand non-stop headaches. I had a headache yesterday and there was a lady in town who was really good at daith piercing which is supposed to help migraines. 

I have asked every person I have ever met with the piercing and asked if it helped their headaches. I have heard some say "not at all." Others said they got one done and it helped at first, then got the other done as they would have a headache on the other side from the piercing. 

I have met several who said it was life changing from the second they got it done. I am not one to draw attention to myself through piercings or tattoos, so for me, it has been a hesitation to actually get it done. 

I wanted to finally get it done as throwing up twice this month with migraines is horrible and my stomach valve gets stuck open and then I get reflux of stomach acid and heartburn etc. It is a spiral. 

I decided to try and contact the lady that everyone suggested when I found out that she was referring people to my niece who is a very talented Tattoo artist and has now started doing body piercing. She hasn't done a tone of daith piercing, but she was willing to do it for cheap and let me see if it would work for me. 

She said we would give it a try so asked which side I should do. I wasn't thinking clearly as I had a headache, so I said my right side. My left side has always been the worse side. It starts in my teeth roots and works its way up so it was really stupid, by picking my right ear. My headache wasn't all that bad yet so as she pinched, I couldn't tell if it was helping or not, so I asked her to take her best guess. 

It was painful as she uses a long hollow tube with a needle in it and then uses the needle to pull the earring through. It wasn't until much later in the night that I noticed I had a HORRIBLE headache and teeth pain and it was only on the left side of my head! So I didn't know if my drinking 2 liters of coke was what had made my head feel better on that side, or if it was actually the piercing. 

I loved that from the front, I can't even see the piercing and that it is tucked back into my ear. My friends has a ring through hers and I don't like the look or want to take a chance of it getting caught on my brush or anything else. 

It didn't hurt so much and I had no problem sleeping or talking on the phone. So, I figured while she is still in town, I should have her do the other side. So today, I had her pierce the left. It was SO much more painful than the right, bled more, and throbbed all day! I kept bumping it and it was tender. 

It is not for the faint in heart to get it pierced this way or in this spot, I think you just have to be to the point where you are in so much pain the rest of the time, that you are willing to go through that type of pain to try and stop the other pain. 

My niece also cut my hair for me. I straightened it later and had her trim it up and thin it so I could color it for the wedding. 

I have a busy few days and am so excited for my daughter to get married to the love of her life. My sister helped me finish several projects for the wedding today, and we are working on packing up all the decor tomorrow as we have anther family obligation before the wedding as well. 

It will be wonderful to see my dear friend who made the cake topper who is arriving tomorrow. What a fun time this is! I hope all the driving for the wedding will feel better with the piercings, but only time will tell!

I hope this works and I can start living instead of surviving. Have a blessed day!

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