
Tuesday, August 17, 2021

First Family Photos in 3 Years Two Weeks in a Row

I am still reeling from the past two weeks of the wedding and the family reunion. I was so busy during the crazy activity, that I didn't get to spent much time with my kids or grandchildren. 

We hadn't all been in the same place in almost 3 years. We haven't had a family photo since back then. With Prince number Three joining our family, I wanted to get a family photo to replace the one on the wall. I was a bit sad that the photographer only took two photos of us on the wedding day, and I wish she had pulled the girls in the back to the sides and spread out the grandkids, but at least we have a photo of us all together. 

Then at the reunion, we got one in our carnival shirts, but I was super stressed and not feeling well so I wasn't at my best with the heat on top of that, but at least we have something. I don't want to blow up either photo, but at least we got a few photos. 

Even with all the crazy, they were all good things. I am still fighting exhaustion and dehydration, but I feel blessed!

Have a blessed day!


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