
Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Princess Two Got a New Car Thanks to Some Great Friends

I shared in a post a few weeks back that Princess Two wanted to buy a new car. Here is a link to that post.  In the post, I shared that she tried all day at different dealerships driving all different brands of cars and after driving many different makers and models of cars, she realized that she really loves her Honda Pilot. 

While she was test driving at the Honda Dealership, I had a thought to call my good friend Julie that I have mentioned many times on my blog. She and her husband always drive Honda cars and have always driven the cars for two years and then upgrade. 

I called Julie and asked her when they were planning on trading their Honda Pilot in as Princess Two had decided after all the test driving, that she wanted another Honda Pilot. Her reason is she is really tall and when getting into the smaller cars, or her head was high into the ceiling and she has to duck down to see out the windshield which makes her lean forward in the seat and then her back strains, so it is important that she finds a car that helps her be comfortable while driving. 

Julie said she and her husband were going to travel the 3 hour drive to the Honda Dealership and see if they had the car they wanted to purchase. They went down at the end of June and test drove the only car the Honda Dealership had that they would like. It didn't have the tow package, the roof rack or the running boards. They asked if they would be able to get one anytime soon with those options and in the color that they wanted, and they were told due to COVID, they just can't get the cars they want. 

Due to the situation with COVID you have to take what you can take. So, with that, they decided to go ahead and get the beautiful blue Honda Pilot. 

They paid off the old pilot from the lease company and had the car parked in my driveway. I couldn't register or insure the vehicle until the title came. About a week later, the title came and we transferred the title and I got it registered and insured, but in the craziness of everything, I forgot to pay them for a day or two. My daughter asked me why she had so much money in her account and if I had payed them. 

I kept thinking in the back of my mind that I needed to do something else with the car, but felt like such a dingbat not paying them for the car! It was a HUGE amount of money as the car is worth more now than when they bought it due to COVID! 

I called them and apologized for my blonde behavior. I asked why they didn't say anything to me and her husband told me that after I left with the title, he asked her if I had said anything to her about paying. She told him that she would not worry about it and would let me get to it on my own. 

Have I not told you in the past how amazing my friends are?!?! They just trusted I was stressed with the wedding and in trying to get the car registered and ready for Princess Two. I apologized so many time and just felt horrible I left them hanging. I think because the title took so long to come and the car sat in my driveway for a week or more, the transaction just wasn't a smooth one as usually I pay and they give me the car at the same time. 

I got them a cashiers check and Princess Two came down for the wedding shower we had in town this past weekend and she got to drive it for the first time! She got more and more excited. She stared looking how to use things while I was driving and I would look up things to figure out how they worked while she drove. I guess I drove the entire trip on the way there in all wheel drive. ha ha. I figured it out when I drove back. 

Princess Four asked me to take a picture of her and send it to Julie and her husband and I took it but haven't sent it with the crazy that is going on. She said, "Today is the first time I've felt like I can get in my car and relax without worrying that the car may break down." 

That piece of mind really makes what Julie and her husband did for her HUGE. They were so cute that they got the windshield replace, filled the car with gas and left her the rubber side and back of chair mats. They have gone above and beyond kind! I know he wanted the car to be perfect for her and it is! It is amazing to me that my friends husband cares more about my daughter than many in her life who SHOULD care about her. She is truly blessed to have such great role models of what a good man / father / and husband looks like. It meant a lot to her that he would do all those things for her. 

She said it was such a smooth ride home and she is thinking that the more she drives it, the more she will love it! She isn't planning on getting a new car for a LONG time!  


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