
Monday, July 5, 2021

Happy Birthday America & Grand Princes Number One

I went and spent a few days with Princess One's Family. I love that I get to live close enough to my grandchildren. 
Princess One planned a huge party for both sides of the family as well as many of his friends. With the holiday weekend, many people couldn't come to the party but poor little Grand-Prince One threw up the night before the party. 

He didn't wake up when he vomited and woke up all wet. After getting him all cleaned up, he seemed better in the morning so they kept him hydrated and we went to the parade and then home to people coming for the pool party. 

About an hour into the party, he started saying he just wanted to lay in the sun. It was a hot day and he was in the sun but was wrapped in a blanket. He was eating a doughnut they bought as that was what he wanted to have for his birthday. 

I asked if he was tired as he kept closing his eyes and wasn't eating the second half of the doughnut. He said it was just that the sun was bright. He was asleep within minutes. 

He had fallen asleep with his hand up to his mouth with 1/3 of a doughnut under his nose touching his lip. I grabbed the doughnut and threw it away. They took him into the fold out bed as there were guests on all the other beds. He slept until about 10 p.m. when he threw up again. After that he felt better and perked up.

He stayed home from church today and still didn't eat much but at least he wasn't feverish. One of his friends parents that came to the party said that their child had a fever of 106 degrees and they took her to the hospital and was told to give her Tylenol and take her to the ER if that didn't bring down the temperature. That surprised me but things are different than they used to be! With Covid, they don't want people in the hospital. We used to give them I.V. fluids if dehydrated or with a  high fever.

He felt much better this afternoon and we were able to do his "Watermelon Birthday Cake" as they have some allergy issues at their house. Princess One was able to find dye free sprinkles for them and dairy free ice cream for Grand Prince 2 who gets sick when he eats more than a spoonful! Many of my girls had issues with dairy, wheat, and red dye / chocolate. 

It is at this point that I fell asleep over and over trying to write in my blog. I'm glad he started feeling better.

Have a blessed day!

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