
Thursday, July 1, 2021

Busy Planning a Wedding - Posting a Jewelry Sort

Hey Friends, It has been a very busy time with new cars, weddings, holidays, birthdays, and general life stuff. 
I had a busy day and feel like I am going to post about a jewelry sort I did recently where I found an 18 Karat and pearl necklace! 

In all my years of buying jewelry bags and searching for gold and silver, I have rarely found 18 Karat or 20 Karat gold anything. I have bought individual 18 karat pieces which I thought were a good price, but don't often even see it for sale as so much that is sold now is plated or 10 karat. 

I have mentioned that I haven't been getting much gold or silver in bags recently and there have been some I haven't posted because there was nothing in them. The only gold I have found in bags recently have been stuck to other items as the real gold necklaces are so thin, they catch and get knotted onto other pieces of jewelry. 

The last two pieces of gold I have found have been somewhat hidden being tied to larger junky jewelry and so the people who sort the jewelry must have missed them. This one was so gold in color that I think the must have thought for sure it was fake. Usually gold jewelry has a soft yellow color, but 18 K through 24 K gold is quite yellow and bright in color. 

I purchased this bag of jewelry for $20 because I saw a necklace that had lots of loops of silver on it and I had purchased one recently that I found to be sterling, so I knew this necklace was sterling and knew there was enough silver in the bag to purchase it. I did see the gold necklace but the tag was so small that I couldn't prove anything at the store and it wasn't until I was home opening the bag that I realized it was a higher karat of gold. 

I opened the bag late at night and was quite tired but wanted to get it off my table so I wasn't my perkiest while sorting it but I was thrilled with the amount of silver and gold for the $20! 

Have a blessed day!          

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