
Friday, July 23, 2021

Bunko Is Back On After Covid

We have had our bunko group going for over 20 years. I started it to make some friends and to befriend others. 

It has been such a blessing in my life and in the lives of others as we lost a few members and gain a few more. I was sad when COVID stopped us being able to meet together. 

The first month, one of my friends tried to host over a zoom meeting but many hadn't figured out Zoom yet and there wasn't many online. She did a cute questionnaire about each bunko player and gave points if you could figure out who the question was talking about. 

I was supposed to host the next month but we decided things weren't moving quickly and we had better shut down to follow local guidelines. I did a drawing with my girls at Christmas to give out the gifts I had stored for all those months and get them out of my garage. 

I was going to host in August and start it back up, but one of my dearest friends said she just missed it and wanted to host in July even thought we knew there would be people missing. It was so nice to be able to meet together with many of my long standing friends and I got a wonderful gluten free meal as her son is also gluten free.

It was wonderful that I also won a prize for Princess Three to match her decor for her new home when she gets married soon. We decided to just start the calendar over rather than trying to redo what was missed, so I am not going to do August as I have the wedding and a reunion I am doing that month, so it is nice I don't have to worry about that now and can use that time to recoup my energy after a crazy month! 

It was fun to catch up as one of my friends shared her son had twins, another moved her sister in next door to be able to help with her Autistic son. Another is becoming a grandmother for the time, and my beautiful Princess three getting married and much more going on catching up with the lives of my friend.

I am so happy to be getting things back to normal after over a year of crazy. 

I hope you are also getting back to normal. Have a blessed day! 

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