
Friday, July 9, 2021

100 Degrees at 7 P.M. and 97 Degrees at 8 p.m. Not Good For and Outside Wedding Shower

I spent the day pulling out my wedding decorations from Princess One's wedding which was 10 years ago in December. 

I have not pulled them out during that time. Styles have changed a bit since then but I purchased cream colored everything so that I could just add the main color in napkins, table clothes, flowers, and candles. 

Princess Three however, doesn't want any cream colored anything, so we are mostly going to use my sisters wedding/ reception business and use her things for the reception. I figured that will be the case most of the time as the styles change so much. 

I think I am going to give my sister my metal candle holders, baskets, and just keep the cream colored dishes to use for Thanksgivings and any showers I may through as the soup tourines, platters, bowls, plates, and salt and peppers all match. 

I am happy to have gone through most of the stuff I have stored. I do have several totes in the basement but it was such a HOT day that after pulling everything out of the garage, I was so tired I didn't have it in me to go down and pull more out. I think most of the stuff down there will be things for my sister, so I will do that another day as we have a few really busy days. 

My sweet friends are throwing a wedding shower for Princess Three and her fiance tomorrow and someone asked me to help them empty storage metal containers at her house as she has three currently in her yard as they had to redo their entire kitchen and it held the cabinets etc. I was dripping sweat and I looked at the temperature as I didn't want to go into a metal container and it was 100 degrees at almost 7 p.m. It was 97 degrees at 8 p.m.

I told her I really didn't have it in me to work in those in the summer even early in the morning. I was working in my yard from dark until 2 a.m. the other night because it is so hot during the day! 

I then began to worry about the heat as the wedding shower was supposed to be a garden reception and we are serving chicken salad croissants. When I say "we" I really should be saying "they" will be serving as three of my dearest friends are hosting the event for us! 

The friend who is hosting is having it in her backyard and with Covid, I haven't been there in a few years now. I contacted her worried about having the food out in this heat wave and she said she agreed and we would have the food in the kitchen and they can eat outside. 

In my mind I was picturing a hill and that people would have to walk down the hill to get to the deck and she said, "Haven't you seen my landscape?" I had not seen it! She suggested I run over and see her yard so I can get an idea of the decorations we will need and where to put them. I went over at 10 p.m. and the temperature was perfect for outside! It is sad we can't have it later! 

She has a beautiful yard! She has a beautiful kitchen they just remodeled, and a huge deck for seating on the back. She landscaped a new deck with a pagoda type cover with lights and a fan and the deck has fans. I think it will be hot no matter what we do, but at least there is shade over the two main areas! 

My friends are so dear to do this for us! I have been fighting a migraine all day and think it may be dehydration related but I have been drinking tons and am still thirsty.

It is midnight and Princess Three will be arriving soon with her intended, so I need to get this posted and finish getting everything finished for tomorrow. 

Have a blessed day!

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