
Thursday, June 17, 2021

Wedding Dress Stress Yet We Are Blessed

For the past two days, we have done more dress shopping than I have done in 20 years. 

When princess 1 got married, we found a dress at the very first shot on the clearance rack that she loved. It was less than $100, and we were able to get it altered and buy all the accessories for less than $200.

I have looked at more wedding dresses in the last two days than I’ve seen in my entire life probably. We have tried on dresses at a rental place, looked on classified ads for used dresses, and today I was in 8 different dress shops, plus four yesterday.

Princess three had to work during the days, and then we would shop at night together with Princess Two. I went shopping during the day for her and she got out of meetings early. 

She went to several stores in another city before we met up. About dinner time, she had had enough. She tried on so many different dresses and she loved some of the dresses that certain shops had, but they didn’t have them in her size. The covid problem has manufacturing out three months or more on ordering one in her size. She doesn’t have time to get them altered, so it was very frustrating for her. 

After a little drive and a break, I found a little shop accidentally while looking for a different shop. I called her to come as I found the exact dress  I found it 1/2 before closing. Princess three arrived ten minutes before closing. We found lots of dresses that fit her in her size and we loved four or five of them!

The worker kept the store open for a full hour over closing time to let us try on all the dresses. The first dress that I picked out for her, I thought she would love, the woman and her daughter that came in behind us waited for us to finish for the hour, and her daughter tried on that first dress that we loved and ended up most likely buying it for her wedding as we picked three other dresses as finalists. Princess Three really loved and looked beautiful in them all. She will make a decision probably tomorrow.

I’m glad that we were able to find some dresses that she likes looked beautiful in! I told her not to worry about the price because she is worth it! I am blessed to have such beautiful daughters and this is something important to her. They each have things that are important to them, I try to be supportive about the things that matter to them and this matters to her! I want her to feel beautiful in her photos and on her big day!

God is good, and I’m sure that He’ll take care of the finances as He always has  I know He cares about her and wants her to feel beautiful too!

We are truly blessed! Have a blessed day!

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