
Friday, June 11, 2021

Unexpected Enjoyable Distraction - A Four Hour Phone Call

After I blogged last night, I spent hours replying to comments on my social media. I am not sure what is going on, but I have had so many more views in the past month or so, and have gotten many more comments than usual. I try to keep up on the comments daily as if I don't, I am worried I will get so far behind that I won't be able to "catch up" as when I go visit the grandchildren, I don't do blog or social media while with them, but when I get home, it takes me hours to reply to all the comments on my blog, YouTube, and my website. 

With new subscribers, and non-subscribers just watching videos and asking questions, my views have gone up and the comments also go up. Today, over and over I would look at the YouTube app on my phone and I would have 5 comments, 7 comments, 3 comments. It seemed I no sooner replied, that I would have another comment showing before I hit "reply" on the last comment. 

I have always wondered how people with a million subscribers can even look at comments on their videos. I love that I can reply to comments and feel like my viewers are my friends. I think sometimes I want to keep my channel and blog small so I don't have to deal with so many people. I know that doesn't make sense as I want to help people, but think I don't want to be famous for having a parasite, so it is a bit hard to want it to pick up. However, I spend so much time on the replies, making and posting videos, updating the website etc, that it would be nice to make enough to give me a salary and to help pay the fees of keeping the website up and for all the herbs and treatments I try. 

I was going to go out today and finish the sprinklers in the yard, but I got a call from a relative that lives in the East that I haven't talked with in awhile. I was shocked when the call went on and on and in the end, it was over 4 hours in length. We hung up at 1:30 her time, and well beyond dark for me! I didn't get the things I had to do on my list done, but I had a very enjoyable call with her updating me on her family and updating her on my family. 

It was unexpected but wonderful and I am very tired. but can go to bed smiling. 

Have a blessed day!

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