
Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Fun Birthday Trip With My Sister

My sister has a birthday this week and she wanted to go on a shopping trip. I told her I wanted to take her out for her birthday and she mentioned her shopping trip to the "Big City" as we live in small towns. 

I asked if she would like company on her trip, and she said she would enjoy that if I didn't mind marathon shopping. So, I told her I would just spend the day with her and go where she goes. 

We left early and drove to the city, and I wore the wrong shoes for SURE. I just bought a new pair of Birkenstock sandals and hadn't worn them in yet. I was on my feet most of the day, and I haven't shopped like that since I had younger children at home! 

I asked what she wanted to eat for her "Birthday lunch" and she mentioned a Korean place. Well, they don't have one thing on their menu that is gluten free, so I bought her a meal and I ate the fruit and veggies I had cut up for the trip. She LOVED her lunch and I was glad to get it for her. 

I also found out that she wanted shirts for working out and had been looking for some. I saw a shirt that reminded me of our mom as when I see a rainbow or hear a song about rainbows, it reminds me of my mother. This sister is the most like my mother as she is really creative, beautiful, and she has a lovely singing voice as did my mother. Here is a link to my original post about rainbows and my mother.

I bought the shirt and I not only liked that the shirt had a rainbow on it, I LOVED that it has an inspirational quote on the front. It says, "Be the rainbow in someone cloud!" 

We were able to visit my niece who is in a town near the big city. She and her kids were at the pool in her new apartment building. We stopped to say "hi" and drop off something. I snapped a few pictures of her daredevil kids who have no fear! I was able to get some great action shots and text them to her in our few minutes there. 

On our way home, we stopped in Princess Two's town and visited with her as we shopped. She found a really cute shirt that is TOTALLY her! It has sushi on the front and someone is picking up the sushi with chop sticks, and it says, "This is how I roll!" We both loved the shirt and it is in a color she really likes, so it was fun that she found something she likes on sale for a good price as well as the blessing of me getting to spend a few minutes with her. 

It was a great day, but it was a long day. Next time I go shopping with her, I will wear my old shoes! I am glad we got to spend the day together. On the way home, there was a steady stream of traffic headed to the big city and we were grateful that we were heading in the other direction! it was a fun trip! 

Have a blessed day!

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