
Friday, May 14, 2021

Found Money Is Changing To Online - In God We Trust

I have shared over the years how I "find money" and have updated my "In God We Trust" posts as I count up the money or find coins at pertinent times in my life. 

Here is a link to my December 2020 post about found money. In that post, there are links to many other posts of found money. 

I have found a "new way" to find money. In the past month, I have gotten $14 in Amazon gift cards for free. 

I have found that many businesses are giving out Amazon gift cards for frequent shopping, loyalty programs, or for taking surveys. 

I had let loyalty points expire and ignored signing up for them as they seem to come and go and change in a short amount of time. I decided to go ahead and sign up for loyalty points and have been able to redeem them for Amazon gift cards this past month. 

I have always answered survey and questionnaires when companies would send them and then when you mail them back in, they send a $5 or sometimes they send $1 in the survey. It is interesting how things have shifted over time. 

I now am getting survey's to my email saying if I fill out the survey, they will email me a $5 gift card. I wondered if I would actually get the Amazon gift card, but within 24 hours, I got the $5 gift card and was able to redeem it on my Amazon account. 

I have made $14 in gift cards of free money to my Amazon account in the past month and spent 5 minutes answering a survey. 

It is a new way to "find money" and I am not complaining as it seems that Amazon is the new way to give wedding gifts, so any little bit helps. 

Have a blessed day!

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