
Friday, April 2, 2021

I Haven't Gone Even 600 Miles in Five Years in My Suburban

I got my suburban started the other day for the first time in 2 years. I was able to get the car started by putting all the gas from a five gallon gas can into the tank and cranking it for a long time to prime the line. 

I had checked the fluids and while doing that, I
noticed that the serpentine belt had cracks in it and I didn't want to take any chances on it breaking while I was driving, so I called my mechanic to ask if he could fit it in and he said he could. 

Luckily, Princess One was here with her family so I had someone to help me drop the car off and pick it up as living alone, I have to find help to do that. 

I mentioned to my mechanic that I wanted him to check a few of the fluids as I didn't have those at home, and wanted to make sure I could travel safely. He had it much longer than expected and he said the fuel filter was oozing black gunk. 

He was able to update some of the older parts that could cause an issue and as I was driving down to his shop to have the work done that I realized that I hadn't driven the car even 600 miles since 2016! We haven't been Easter camping in five years now. I go to the lake reunions and since I started organizing those from the beginning, I got to pick the lake! 

We used to visit another lake much further away, but the camp grounds were so angled that it made it hard to do anything except a zip line. I like this lake much more as do my family as there is a covered pavilion and the water is not really close, so it is safer for kids.  

I have been really happy with the lake as there are showers and bathrooms which is always nice! ha ha

Have a blessed day!

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