
Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Great-Grandma is Turning 99

My wonderful Step-Mom's mother is turning 99! They planned a big party for her and she had family from all over the U.S. come in for the party. I painted my toes with "sprinkles" for the occasion. They also didn't want gifts, so I bought a flashing light crown for her to wear.

Because of Covid, they didn't invite the grand-children as they didn't want to expose her but they invited her children and their children. 

I was SO tired getting up for the long drive and if it had been anything else. I would have canceled being so tired, but I LOVE these women who are the glue to our wonderful family. My mother was a talented amazing women. My step-mother is so focused on serving others and planning and implementing so many activities for our family, I always say that my dad sure knows how to pick amazing women! 

They had a wonderful meal brought in. She was born and raised in Hawaii so they had a Hawaiian restaurant cater it. One of her grand-daughter did a wonderful job decorating. Her oldest grandson did a slideshow of her life. I don't think I have been to that town since picking Princess Five up after her mission nearly a year ago. 

It has been a long time since I have taken that type of a road trip. It was a long day, however, I LOVED the entire day! I also was able to visit with my closest cousin while growing up for a few hours. It has been some time since I have been able to visit with her one on one. It was great to spend time with her. 

I was so glad to be able to visit with Great-Grandma. She has been in quarantine and we haven't been able to see her so it was nice to visit with her. She is blind and nearly deaf and has been in independent living doing all her own laundry and self care. She is so amazing and kind and she has always been so thoughtful of our needs. I feel so blessed to have her in my life! 

Have a blessed day!

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