
Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Helping My Friend Again - In God We Trust Moment

I told my friend yesterday that I would come and help her husband finish up emptying out that room to get the drywall and carpet done next week. 

I didn't feel comfortable working with her husband alone in the house being single for propriety, so I told her to call me when she got home after teaching. She said it would be about 11:30 but after 2, I texted asking if they needed help. 

She said she had just gotten home and they were going to eat lunch and I should come in about 15 minutes. I went over and her husband and I hauled out the heavy long shelving and then ripped out and cut phone lines and pulled the old phone off the wall. 

I pulled up the carpet and rolled it up and unscrewed the sliding doors to get the carpet out of the closet. It was so hot in the house that I was dripping sweat. They laughed when I came up dripping. I guess the big basement room gets really hot, and the upstairs fringe rooms are cold with smaller vents. 

As I was heading to get into my car to leave, there was a penny on the ground just in front of my car. I had to take a photo of it. I smiled as I had been talking with my friend the night before when I left and we were talking about how I wish I felt good enough to get a job where I could work 12 hour shifts but just don't feel like I am in good enough health to work 12 nursing shifts. My sweet friend said to me, "I think when you get to heaven, money isn't going to matter, you will be blessed for all the service you do." 

I know she is right, that there is more to life than making money. I found a sign last month that is a quote from Albert Einstein stating " A life lived for others is a life worthwhile" I got a call from a woman in our church leadership over the women tonight asking about some women I have been helping and without giving details, I was able to let her know which may be in need of help. After that call, I realized that my sweet friend was right, and I realized once again that money really isn't what it is all about even though more money would be helpful. People are what matters. I just need to be reminded sometimes.

Have a blessed day!

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