
Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Another Sad Loss - Our Favorite Santa Has Died

I have had a few weeks of loss as my uncle died a month or so ago. With Covid, they didn't have a funeral, but did a graveside service but with bad weather, I was afraid to make the long trip for the short graveside service. 

Last week, a neighbor passed away. He was a leader in our church congregation a few years back, and his wife was sweet and would "hire" my girls at Christmas time to clean something in her home so they would have money to purchase Christmas presents. 

This man would dress up in a Santa Suit and visit all the homes in the neighborhood each Christmas. The first year in our home, I was really freaked out when someone just walked into the house on Christmas Eve in a Santa suite and gave each of the girls a candy cane. 

He came almost every year for many years. I never had to chase down a Santa for Christmas photos as he would pose for pictures with the girls each year. 

His funeral was filled with many people and so many shared about his Santa Service. It was a sad loss for our family and our community. 

Now, the loss of my son-in-law's mother. I was thinking about things and in talking with others around, I realize how many people have died in the past few months who are fairly young. My daughters best friend's uncle died in our town a few weeks ago as well. 

I pray things calm down and everyone stays healthy! Have a blessed day!

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