
Friday, March 12, 2021

Another Day of Service and a Rainbow From My Mom

I got up early to a call saying that there was a truck full of boxes full of food that needed to be distributed. The local church brought in thousands of boxes of food to our town and each church unit took loads of boxes to distribute to family in need.
They did this two weeks ago and through miscommunication, there were four full pallets left and they didn't all get distributed and were put into the fridge at the food bank. They weren't able to distribute that many and some items had to be thrown away. That made everyone make sure that all the boxes got distributed this time. 

I spent the entire morning delivering boxes. When I had one box left, I said a prayer to know what family might be go to share the box with and a family I don't know very well came into my mind. I thought that maybe it would be offensive to offer them food since I didn't know them well but decided to follow that inspiration I felt. 

It started to snow during my last few deliveries and when I took up that last box to the door, I was really glad it was my last. When I got to the door, I saw a rainbow sign that was really bright and the worlds were "Over The Rainbow" and if you read this blog, you know that "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" is the song that my mother sang to us each night. Here is my first post about that. Since she has passed, I get little messages from her and see rainbows in my life, usually when I have some stresses.   
I ran back to my car to get my phone so I could take a photo of the sign. I guess there is a woman who they pay to make a new sign every holiday and she comes to their home and changes out the words part. I thought that was a  creative business for a high school student. 

I felt like my mother was guiding my life from beyond and I appreciated that note on such a dark day!

I hope you have a blessed day!

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