
Thursday, February 18, 2021

"Lets Read" - Lengthy Scary Stories Podcast - Sharing My Own Scary Stories - Part 2

On the heels of yesterday's post sharing how I had an experience that was passed around the internet as a "Beware" of this event, I am going to share two other events that were also passed around the internet that both happened to me BEFORE I read about them on the internet. In listening to the "Lets Read" posts, I realized I have had many scary moments. It is funny that it took me listening to other peoples scary stories to make me realize how many of these "moments" that I have had in my life! 

About 15 years ago, I was driving to the city almost every weekend helping my mom, visiting my sister, and dating heavily. On the weekends, I would go dancing about 10:30 p.m. and hang out with my friends after the dance until 2 a.m. or so. 

My sisters home was in a suburb and was a fairly safe neighborhood. On my way to go dancing one night, I had to get gas to head to the downtown area from the suburb when I went to the nearest gas station near her home. I usually didn't go to that gas station as it was more expensive but it was 10:30ish and I was in a hurry to get to the dance as it closed at midnight and I had a 20 minute drive to get there, so would only have an hour of dancing. I LOVE dancing and it is an outlet so it was worth the drive and cover charge for that hour of dancing and visiting with my friends at breakfast after the dance. 

I pulled into the gas station, used my credit card to pay, filled the tank, climbed back into my car and was startled as I had barely gotten into the car and locked my door (I ALWAYS locked my door at night as soon as I got in the car by habit) when I look to see a large Polynesian man holding a $10 bill against my drivers side window knocking on my window. I crack the window as I start the car and he tells me that I dropped the money and he wanted to return it to me. I told him I used a credit card and the money wasn't mine. He tells me he is sure it fell while I was getting gas and it was just under the tank area. I tell him it isn't mine as I pull out and leave.  

He stands there looking confused that I wouldn't roll my window down and take the money. I have to share that it was a quite street, it was dark, there were no other cars near my car and I have NO idea where he came from. There was no store at that station, only a little hut and it was after hours, so you have to pay with a card anyway to pump gas. When I go dancing, I always take my license and a credit card in my front pant pocket with lipstick and gum. I only take enough cash to pay the cover charge for the dancing. That money wasn't mine and I knew it for those reasons. I am an honest person and I wouldn't take something that isn't mine and I believe that saved me that night. 

I thought I would take a minute and search for this type of thing and found a Snopes" post saying it wasn't true. The woman's story reported on was exactly what happened in my situation so I do think there was some truth to her story. Here is a link to that post.

Interestingly enough, on that same Snopes post, there is a story that happened to one of my girls in the past two years at a Walmart and Snopes say that event is false as well! Let me tell you, BOTH of these things happened to us and I think they shouldn't report them as "False" if the original post at some point could have been true. I don't think a woman is going to spend the time writing up a lengthy story like that if there isn't some truth to it. 

This is similar to the "if there is money under your windshield wiper when you get into your car, drive off before taking it off as car-jackers are using it to get you to see it when you have your car started, you get out to pull it off and they jump in and steal the car." story. Snopes says it is fake, yet there are stories from many countries saying it has happened. Whose to say it didn't?! 

I was going to share about a different incident but since the Walmart one is linked in this same article, I will share that instead. 

I was sleeping at 2 a.m. when I get a phone call from one of my girls who was living in a college town. She made a bad judgement call and went to Walmart at 1 a.m. to get groceries on a Saturday night as she promised to make dinner for her friend on Sunday and had early meetings. She was super busy during that time and had put off shopping until all her events and homework were finished and it just happened to be that late when she finished. 

I say "hello?" and then hear, "Hi, yes, I am so excited to see you soon. I'll be home in just a minute." 

I am half asleep and recognize her voice, but she lived five hours one way from my home and I wasn't expecting her. I asked her if she was coming home very confused. She said, "Yes, I'll be home in like 4 minutes! I am so excited to get to see you so soon!" By this time I am sitting up asking her if she was on the road and if so Why? 

She then whispers into the phone that a guy is following her out to her car from Walmart and she wanted him to think someone was waiting for her so he wouldn't do anything to her! I flip out and asked why she didn't call the police! I am feeling VERY helpless and don't know if I can call 911 at my home and get the information to the police in her city so far away. I can hear her loading her stuff into her car acting like she is going to see me in a few minutes. 

She said he walked past her and was headed to a Semi Truck parked towards the middle of the empty parking lot. She then says, "Wait, he is coming back  towards me!" I tell her to hurry and get into her car and lock the door and get the crap out of there! I then think, what if he follows her? I thought maybe I should tell her to get the license plate, but didn't want her driving near him or to have him think she is interested or something so I tell her to drive out and see if she can get lost in the streets taking lots of turns where a semi can't drive. She does this and I tell her to make sure he isn't lurking on a main street while she goes home. I make sure she gets into the house and is locked in before I hang up. 

I lay there thinking how he could be getting another girl in this college town and why didn't she tell the police and finally call her back and tell her to call the police and tell them what happened. 

Here is what happened: She was in the store shopping and she is a bit of an air head sometimes and it took her some time to realized this man was following her isle to isle but by the time she gets to the candy isle, she realizes this and starts to get nervous as he wasn't buying anything. When she gets to the meat department at the back corner of the store he approaches her and asks her if she knows of a good place to eat in town that is open late or has a drive through. She gives him the name of a few places and he thanks her but tries to make small talk and she is trying to not answer much and hurry to finish shopping. 

She had a cart full of food and was in the store nearly an hour. He followed her then to the beauty section and he ends up picking up some Tylenol and she gets her items from that section. 

She doesn't see him and books it to the register. She is checking out and she is about half way through when he shows up behind her with the Tylenol. She is then panicked as he has been in the store following her for the entire shop and now will be following her out of the store! 

At this point in her story, I ask why she didn't wait for him to finish and leave while she stays in the store and asks for someone to walk her out to her car? She said she panicked and called me thinking if she was on the phone and acted like she was meeting up with someone he would leave. I told her that it would have killed me if I had to hear her being kidnapped over the phone! I don't think I would have ever recovered hearing that and she should have called the police. The police don't care if it is a false call, better safe than sorry! 

She calls the police and the police came and took her statement. They told her next time to call the police to walk her out and that she should do her shopping at a more crowded time! 

I do think she learned her lesson, but there are two similar stories to this on that same Snopes link, so there may be a long-haul truck driving serial killer finding his prey at Walmart. 

I think SNOPES got this one all wrong.  

I am grateful that my Heavenly guardian angels are keeping watch over my girls and I and do believe that my life has been spared more than once! 

Have a blessed day! 

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